CHEEKYBOOM | Jewelry + Paper + Kickassery

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What does it mean to shine your light?

We all have a light within us that’s ready to shine bright. Often times it can sit dormant because of self doubt, fear, and FOPO. Thing is, we need to express our true selves. We are put here to do just that. When you start to honor the light within you, you begin to reflect it back to the world—and the world notices. What you put in is what you get out. I chose words to illustrate how they manifest themselves out into the world.
During these uncertain days, I encourage you to ignite your light. ⚡️We all need you. You are perfect just as you are. There’s nothing to prove.

Peace out,

Krissi 🤩

Extra Credit

  • Buy the LIGHT card 🔽

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