REFRAME CHALLENGE | The art of training your brain to believe what you tell it


Have you ever wondered why you think the way you do? Or pay attention to the words you use daily? Sometimes the simple act of reframing can lead to incredible results. It has for me, and I wanted to share the process I’ve used for decades.

The mind is so beautiful and powerful, so train it like any other muscle you want to be strong and watch yourself thrive!


Have you ever wondered why you think the way you do? Or pay attention to the words you use daily? Sometimes the simple act of reframing can lead to incredible results. It has for me, and I wanted to share the process I’ve used for decades.

The mind is so beautiful and powerful, so train it like any other muscle you want to be strong and watch yourself thrive!

Have you ever wondered why you think the way you do? Or pay attention to the words you use daily? Sometimes the simple act of reframing can lead to incredible results. It has for me, and I wanted to share the process I’ve used for decades.

The mind is so beautiful and powerful, so train it like any other muscle you want to be strong and watch yourself thrive!

This download can be printed or used as a guide for your journaling practice.